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This excitable dog just loves his six-month-old owner - and will do anything to make him smile. 这只得意的狗狗太爱它六个月大的小主东谈主了,为了逗笑小主东谈主它快活作念任何事。
The French Bulldog, called Rupert, is seen spinning around and around in circles as he makes a fool of himself trying to entertain the baby - just like a human would. 这只法国斗牛犬名叫鲁珀特,它不时地转圈,转啊转啊,簸弄我方只为了逗小婴儿感奋——几乎太有东谈主样儿了。
The playful pair were filmed by the boy's mother as they lay next to each other on the living room floor. 萌宝和萌犬在客厅地板上对视嬉戏的一幕被宝妈拍了下来。
The 16-second clip, which has been posted online, shows the cheerful baby, propping himself up with his arms as he lies on his tummy. 这个16秒长的视频被传上了网。视频中的宝宝趴在地上,用两只手臂相沿起上身,看起来感奋极了。
As the baby starts to laugh, Rupert, who was lying on his stomach just a foot away, suddenly hops back on to a blue mat on the floor behind him. 鲁珀特也趴在地上,距离宝宝一步之遥,看到宝宝无意要笑的时辰,清纯诱惑鲁珀特短暂向后一跳,跳到了死后的蓝垫子上。
The French Bulldog begins to spin around and around in circles - and the infant can't take his eyes off his furry friend. 然后这只斗牛犬驱动不时地转圈——此时小宝宝的眼睛仍是离不开他的小伙伴了。
Delighted by what he is seeing, the baby lifts his arms up in glee as Rupert drops to the floor and looks into his eyes. 宝宝被目下的一幕逗乐了,得意地挥舞入部下手臂,而鲁珀特则停驻来与宝宝“两两相望”。
The baby starts to quieten down and - determined to get him laughing again - Rupert jumps to his feet and starts to spin around in circles once again. 眼看宝宝要平安下来了,一心念念逗笑宝宝的鲁珀特再次跳了起来,又驱动不时地转圈。
四川麻将在线玩Rupert only stops when the infant bursts into a fit of giggles, satisfied that his job is done. 只好当宝宝爆发出“咯咯”的笑声时,鲁珀特才会停驻来,光显对我方的“周至劳动”感到很欢然。
Vocabulary French bulldog:法国斗牛犬 prop up:相沿,支握 in glee:欢天喜地地
英文开头:逐日邮报 译者:廖林敏 审校&剪辑:杜娟户外 品牌